Friday, April 9, 2010

Do you like laws?

?Do you like laws?
well i am the law. :Do you like laws?
|Laws as in regulations

or Laws as in the hand held grenade launchers? Yes I do enjoy them. :)
I feel the same way N.W.A does....
bleh. Only some...
Without laws, we are totally free, but total freedom is not the right road.some basic lawsa are requrie to keep people in check, well most of us anyhow.but it is needed, but some times too many laws can keep us too in check and we like to have more freedom, so then we revolt against the creators of the laws.
Depends on the law. Generally I think laws are a good thing, but there are some that I disagree with.
I like them better than the alternative.
[QUOTE=''leonard88'']well i am the law. :|[/QUOTE]You stole my post. :x
I believe some laws are flawed and unnecessary, but you can't escape the long arm of the law.
I don;t mind any of them except that whole No Pants/No Service law.... :(
''There are laws that enslave men, and laws that set them free.''

-King Arthur, First Knight

Some laws restrict freedom. Some grant freedom. Example: If there was no law against murder or rape, we would all be less happy and less free to enjoy life.
I like some, hate others...
For the most part, yes, but I will only abide by those that are congruent with my own moral philosophy. Fortunately, that is most of them.
Laws are necessary for the well-being of everyone. That's not to say that I agree with all of them. In general, yes. I prefer laws instead of chaos where it is survival of the fittest 'cause I wouldn't last long.
Im more a fan of morals than laws. Laws don't always work right and can be corrupted and used to hurt others whereas good morals generally are much more ''people'' friendly.
Depends on what the law is about.
Most laws have a valid reason for being a law. Some are a bit iffy or objectionable, but for the most part laws are good to have.
Not really. I think we should have as least as possible, and still maintain our freedom and security..
[QUOTE=''Oleg_Huzwog'']I like them better than the alternative.[/QUOTE]


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