Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm having trouble sleeping at night.

Happens when it's nearing ummer and then I get really bad insomnia during the summertime. Anyone else?I'm having trouble sleeping at night.
Try jumping headfirst into a wall.I'm having trouble sleeping at night.
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[QUOTE=''LABoxingFighter'']typical idiot response[/QUOTE]

Hmm, cliff might be more suitable for you.
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[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
I had trouble falling asleep last night.

Try a warm glass of milk.
Try sleeping pills.
lol Guys chill out.TC Try reading when you go to sleep that helps me, well it actually knocks me out.Summer brings heat and if your room gets to hot that could be the cause, i have a lot of trouble sleeping in a even slightly warm room. As a matter of fact my room is usually the coolest room in the house although i have a PC running often just keep your windows open all day thats what i tend todo. Another cause is having things on your mind and not being able to wind down, if thats the case either sort them things out or seek medical help. Or just read a book.Drugs IE caffeine < Spelling ? lol! is a blatant cause but you know that.
I had trouble sleeping last night as well.
Get some exercise during the day.....or just get really drunk before bed :)
I fall asleep with the tv on a sleep timer a lot. sound helps me sleep.
stop taking any stimulants during the day, such as coffee, diet pills, coke etc...

Try to switch your sleeping position, like head and feet. Or the best method of all is to either do homework before bed, or get some boring speeches on tape.
[QUOTE=''LABoxingFighter'']Happens when it's nearing ummer and then I get really bad insomnia during the summertime. Anyone else?[/QUOTE]

yes, I have this exact problem.
Try getting up early. Works for me all the time.
[QUOTE=''rcignoni'']I had trouble falling asleep last night.

Try a warm glass of milk.[/QUOTE]i'm lactose intolerant
Why can't you sleep? Scared you'll get owned?:lol:
[QUOTE=''AAllxxjjnn'']Try sleeping pills.[/QUOTE]makes me tired the next day. Let The Right One In was a good movie
[QUOTE=''LABoxingFighter''][QUOTE=''AAllxxjjnn'']Try sleeping pills.[/QUOTE]makes me tired the next day. Let The Right One In was a good movie[/QUOTE]

For sleeping pills, you need to sleep more. If you normally sleep 8 hours, take the sleeping pills at 9.5-10 hours before you need to get up.
[QUOTE=''bluezy'']Why can't you sleep? Scared you'll get owned?:lol:[/QUOTE]yeah...

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