[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]deadliest warrior: green berets vs. spetsnaz
depends if they take experience into account.Green Berets trial-by-fire was vietnam...Spetsnaz has Afghanistan.Also, weapons are different.Itll likely be:
M16 vs AK47
Sidearm (9mm beretta?) vs Whatever Russians use
Fighting ****vs Fighting ****(martial arts)
Special weapon vs Special weapon (idunno...claymore mine vs RPG? Who knows).If you ask me, there are way too many technical similiarities to make this a good faceoff. All the other ones (Gladiator vs Indian, Pirate vs Knight, etc) have been different but Green Berets and SPetsnaz are essentially the same thing.I cant wait to see all the smacktalking though: I wanted to punch that Indian so hard in the face, he was so annoying...Russian vs American is gonna be even better lol.
Yeah! Well, I'm gonna steal your money and put it on the Spetsnaz!
Well dude,both formations are strong,well trained,and well armed.But in all fairness,its SpetsnazWhy?Simple,they are a special unit within the Russian army,granted,so are the Green Berets,but...we all know the emberesment they sustained during Nam.Spetsnaz also go through VERY hursh training and discipline!From the most dangerous jungle conditions,to the incredibly cold climate of Siberia,not to mention meele combat,fire arm training...Also,the Spetcnaz formation is made out of many different formations,all of whom specilize in certain areas,mechanical,tanks,aircraft,infantry,intelligence etc.So,its Spetcnaz,no brainer!
[QUOTE=''SerbWarrior'']Well dude,both formations are strong,well trained,and well armed.But in all fairness,its SpetsnazWhy?Simple,they are a special unit within the Russian army,granted,so are the Green Berets,but...we all know the emberesment they sustained during Nam.Spetsnaz also go through VERY hursh training and discipline!From the most dangerous jungle conditions,to the incredibly cold climate of Siberia,not to mention meele combat,fire arm training...Also,the Spetcnaz formation is made out of many different formations,all of whom specilize in certain areas,mechanical,tanks,aircraft,infantry,intelligence etc.So,its Spetcnaz,no brainer![/QUOTE]not to start a heated debate but why did you not mention the Spetsnaz ''embaressment'' during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan?Both country's armies (Russia and US) didnt perform too great in either of their respective conflicts (Vietnam and Afghanistan), but from what Ive read both the Green Berets and Spetsnaz flourished in them.Honestly I think its going to be really, really close but the Spetsnaz diversity might give them the upper hand.
I think the SASs are better than both of them.
[QUOTE=''FlyingArmbar'']Yeah! Well, I'm gonna steal your money and put it on the Spetsnaz!
That show is stupid.
Armored polar bears will strike when they least expect it.
There's a reason why it was these two picked and not SAS, SEALS, Delta, etc...The Green Berets and Spetsnaz are similar in size. The units mentioned above are just not large enough. I have a feeling the show won't specify exactly which Spetsnaz unit they're talking about. Spetsnaz is pretty much a generic term used to describe Soviet/Russian special forces. There's different kinds who are run by different organizations inside the military.The better match-up would've been USSOCOM vs Spetsnaz.
Why the Green Berets? Seems kind of odd to make them go up against Spetsnaz considering there are well known special forces outfits in the US military that are considered to be better. My drivers ed teacher was a Navy Seal during Vietnam and he use to tell us that SEALs use to run circle around Green Berets during PT to taunt them.If Green Berets win against Spetsnaz it will be because they have better technology. I suspect who ever they bring in the present Spetsnaz will stress the insane training methods the Russian Army uses.
Green Berets are king.
[QUOTE=''mrbojangles25'']depends if they take experience into account.Green Berets trial-by-fire was vietnam...Spetsnaz has Afghanistan.Also, weapons are different.Itll likely be:
M16 vs AK47
Sidearm (9mm beretta?) vs Whatever Russians use
Fighting ****vs Fighting ****(martial arts)
Special weapon vs Special weapon (idunno...claymore mine vs RPG? Who knows).If you ask me, there are way too many technical similiarities to make this a good faceoff. All the other ones (Gladiator vs Indian, Pirate vs Knight, etc) have been different but Green Berets and SPetsnaz are essentially the same thing.I cant wait to see all the smacktalking though: I wanted to punch that Indian so hard in the face, he was so annoying...Russian vs American is gonna be even better lol.[/QUOTE] The US Special Forces community doesn't really use the M16 all that much. I remember reading awhile back that they can use pretty much anything SOCOM lets them use which includes the FN SCAR (the weapon I suspect they'll introduce in the show over the M16).
[QUOTE=''duxup'']Armored polar bears will strike when they least expect it.[/QUOTE]
well my raptor army lead by raptor jesus would pwn your polar bears :P
Green Berets FTW! Did anyone else watch lasts nights episode The ItalianMafia Versus the JapaneseYakuzas? That was so epic. I agreed with the winner
Spetsnaz.Their training is cruel.
When is this episode on?
I've always been partial to Spetsnaz, simply because saying Spetsnaz sounds so cool. :P
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